I Brush My Teeth Twice A Day, So Why Do I Still Get Cavities?
Many people have been trying to form better habits while they stay at home during the COVID-19 pandemic including eating healthier, working out more, self-reflecting, and more. However, I still have plenty of patients that come in and ask… I brush my teeth twice a day, so why do I still get cavities? While the answer to this question is different for everyone, there are still some general principles about cavity formation that I share with my patients that can help address this concern: How do cavities form? How can you help your teeth re-mineralize? When is the best time of day to brush your teeth? How Do Cavities Form? All our teeth are made up of minerals. Any time you eat or drink sugary or starchy foods, bacteria in the plaque on your teeth begin to produce acid, then this acid eats away at the enamel (or the protective layer on your teeth). When your mouth drops below a critical pH and becomes more acidic, teeth begin to lose those natural minera...